Celebrate The Small Victories Anyhow (an Impromptu Poem)

I see I lost two pounds from my 5’2″ frame.
It may not be a lot, but I celebrate anyhow!
It’s the small victories that continue to motivate me to better health.
One day, it’ll all come together.
I’ll continue to celebrate even in the worst of times because the lessons will make me better!
The Most High told me to trust him and not to worry.
Being a human isn’t easy but the journey is rewarding.
I continue the journey because I feel closer in seeing my dreams and goals coming to fruition. I can’t stop. I REFUSE TO STOP!
I’ve come too far to turn back now! Allow me to see the dreams come true. Allow me to be a testimony to someone else to say “It CAN be done. Don’t give up!”
This journey I’m on right is nothing but a setup for a comeback. And I’m gonna bring it!
In the meantime, I celebrate the small victories…anyhow!



The Trust Factor

On my journey, I keep hearing this one word over and over again:


Trust…In my personal and professional life. I remember hearing this constant phrase during my graduate program “Trust the process,” because it’s a program unlike any other. I learned and wrote more about myself; digging deep into places that I didn’t want to go to. Guess you could say I graduated kicking and screaming Lol.


When you make a conscious decision to get into a healthier lifestyle that includes exercise; changing of eating habits; changing the mindset that you will BE healthy, trust the process. Not every health program works for everyone. There are factors involved, particularly the individual’s current health status. I took on the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse and that was a rewarding journey. It still is. The only time I’m not involved is when I don’t have the ingredients to make my smoothie. Today, I had only fruit and my flax seed. That’s how I’m rolling today: Chocolate protein powder; banana; pineapple; flax seed; water; and almond milk.


I appreciate the compliments of my current transformation. Abs are definitely made in the kitchen. I admit that I’ve fallen short but I know the reward of being healthier in mind, body, and spirit makes it all worthwhile!


DISCLAIMER: My song reflections are going to be crazy Lol

Andrae Crouch | Sings Through It All: https://youtu.be/d3hV1Ug3CXI

Mint Condition – Believe In Us: https://youtu.be/YpQIbWcj6kE

Nas   I Can   YouTube: https://youtu.be/ZZEoFXk6yG0

Chaka Khan  – I’m Every Woman: https://youtu.be/Q8xuUdI1an0

Whitney Houston – I’m Every Woman (Official Video): https://youtu.be/H7_sqdkaAfo

Mary Mary – Go Get It: https://youtu.be/ADGnIi9KrLQ

Live Life To The Fullest

In my blog post last week, I announced that I lost five pounds from the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. Well, I gained 1 pound back SMH. As I also said, this journey don’t stop!


Right now, I’m still recuperating from a 45-minute walk I did today. The sidewalks are more treacherous today with the ice than the icy roads of yesterday. I almost slipped on some ice. This area hasn’t completely recovered from the previous advisories of snow, rain, and sleet.  The sidewalks aren’t completely cleared of ice. My lower body got a workout today!

I was able to scratch things off my wish list and I’m determined to move forward. In faith, things will move into place. One of the many blessings I enjoyed last week was to serve others in a community service project, then have dinner with a friend who was in town. The meal was delicious and it’s one of those rare moments for me!


Putting my trust in the Most High along with action, things will move! I keep moving!

Soul II Soul – Keep On Movin’: http://youtu.be/1iQl46-zIcM

Mya – Movin’ On: http://youtu.be/NKi1euGIYqg

Trust….And Never Doubt


When God tries to tell you something, try to listen. Even when it’s time to get ready for the day, take the time to check in with him; trust and never doubt.

A lot of scripture that I’ve read about or sung in the music ministry recently reflects on trust and faith. I continue to have challenges but it doesn’t stop me from moving forward, even if situations seem bleak. I’ve had my moments of a workout (here-and-there) but consistency is the key. I’ve also started drinking my green tea without sugar substitutes;  either agave nectar (if available) or a dash of fresh lemon juice. Let’s see if I can do without bread


I know that I’ve seen a lot of people—particularly in social media—share their journey to a healthier lifestyle. No one said it was easy. There’s no one set method for anyone to follow for health fitness; the journey is different for everyone.


Don’t give up! Continue to dream and have the mindset to change your outlook so that you can change your outcome. I’m counting down the days until my birthday and I’m excited about it! I know that God has something better for me if I continue to move forward and trust him! Watch me…..


Norman Hutchins – God’s Got A Blessing: http://youtu.be/3_LB1Qk4k8M

Virtue || Get Ready: http://youtu.be/xZYRl-_SX1U

This blog post and last video is in memory of Michael Brown, who lived in the St. Louis, MO Community of Ferguson. Another young man lost to senseless violence.  Prayers go out to his family.

Sam Cooke – A Change Is Gonna Come: http://youtu.be/tRh-y5zIBQw

Trust and Believe

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 4:6-7)

Interestingly enough, I heard this scripture being said at two different times: one at a life celebration for one of my fraternal order members; the other time was today on an online show giving a lesson about “Mistaken Identity” with the reflection on 1 Corinthians 3:18-4:5. It’s amazing how God moves!

But what’s with the talk about spirituality and what does it have to do with pursuing and maintaining a healthier lifestyle?

Honestly, A LOT! As I go through this journey, God knows I love music, but I can’t do this journey alone. I need HIS help! I’ve been back-and-forth; on again, off again; off track, on track. We began the Lenten Season this past Wednesday and I’ve decided to give up fast food and save money in the process.  My legs still feel the affect of my power walk on Friday. I had to get out! I walked 2.5 miles!


I keep pushing myself to do better and to keep my trust in God; to let him lead me. It’s a coincidence that the Gospel today reflected on Jesus being tempted by Satan, knowing good and well that he could NEVER question Jesus’s identity! He KNOWS who he is and WHOSE he is!


I’m working on my eating habits, and I’ll proceed with strength training. My trust in God will NOT allow me to lose this challenge of pursuing and maintaining better health. Just like the title of one of my previous blog posts: “Health Is Wealth.”


I must get moving. But I can’t end this blog post without some good music!


Phillippians 4:6-7 was a favorite scripture of hers. I know you’re rejoicing with God. You will never be forgotten….

Trust and Believe (2014)

I realize this is my first blog post for the year 2014!


After observing others who are pursuing and maintaining a healthier lifestyle, I have decided to make a ‘dent’ in my journey. Starting today, I will begin my 10-day detox and I bought healthier food items for the fridge.




Life isn’t without challenges and we go through them. We get through them. I’m determined to not allow anything deter me from looking and feeling my best. This year, God willing, I will have a 45th Birthday! I have to be about my best!

I had cereal, an apple, and green tea for breakfast. I snacked on Veggie chips and water, along with a couple of dark chocolate almonds. So far, so good. I’ll get to my daily workout plan this week as well!

On January 11, 2008, I moved from home to Washington, DC for graduate school and potential employment opportunities. For me, it was a huge move because I never lived anywhere else. I’ve seen my weight fluctuate over six years and it’s way overdue that I do something about it and be proactive!  I’m blessed because my grateful moments on my journey outnumber my trials. I’ve met people in social media and in real life; some of them have become friends. I’ve also been able to travel a little, more than I did when I lived at home. If I can do this, surely I can handle a healthier me! I need to rebuild my ‘temple’ for a better me! Trust and believe it will be done!


For the past week, I’m hearing an overall theme of trust, faith, and walking in the light. Today was the feast day of the Baptism of the Lord. Think about it..Jesus wanted his cousin John the Baptist to baptize him in order for scriptures to be fulfilled. That’s some awesome trust and faith in God! I’m reminded more than ever to trust him to fight my battles. Rebuilding my temple will take work and faith. I just can’t sit around and use mental telepathy to lose 30 pounds or more from my body! Not gonna happen! Trust and believe, this journey is NOT a game and I declare victory in all I face!